Advertise with EnCompass Magazine

EnCompass is Colorado's largest circulation magazine, reaching one in five Front Range households. Put your business in front of more than 700,000 AAA Colorado members every two months.

Numerous advertising options in our print publication, our e-newsletters—EnCompass Exclusive, EnCompass Events, and EnCompass Explorer—and our website, EnCompass Magazine, will help you reach the market you need. Direct web links and our enhanced Reader Service program (both online and postal) provide excellent lead and tracking opportunities.

2021 Media Kit (PDF)

2021 Editorial Calendar (PDF)

2021 Print ad Specs (PDF)

EnCompass is also part of the Auto Club Group (ACG), the second-largest AAA club in North America with more than 14 million members across 14 U.S. states, the province of Quebec, and two U.S. territories. Contact us if you are interested in advertising your Colorado business in other club publications.

For more information, contact:
Jenni Mitten
Regional Sales Manager
JM Media
Cell: 402-616-2151