AAA in the Community

Need a Lyft? AAA Colorado is helping
J. Skyler McKinley

America’s first drinking and driving laws date as far back to 1910, and recent studies show that alcohol-impaired driving still accounts for 28 percent of all traffic-related deaths in the U.S. Every 50 minutes in America, someone dies from a crash that involves an alcohol-impaired driver.

But now, new technologies have made it easier than ever to secure a safe, affordable ride home after drinking or consuming other impairing substances. That’s why, this past St. Patrick’s Day, AAA Colorado was proud to partner with Lyft, the Colorado Department of Transportation, and other community partners to subsidize thousands of free Lyft rides to those who pledged not to drive impaired.

Since 1922, AAA Colorado has been the state’s most prominent advocate for safe driving. As we look ahead to 2022 and beyond, we’ll continue to innovate and forge new partnerships to keep you and your loved ones safe on our roads.

J. Skyler McKinley is AAA Colorado’s spokesman and director of government affairs.