Insurance Insights with Brian

Life in Colorado
Brian McGrail

I guess I’m getting used to being isolated, but I certainly don’t like it. My version of social distancing is going to remote places, usually with my son. I even have an inside source of information on where to go—EnCompass magazine!

I’ll bet you’ve had more time to reflect on what’s important in your life, and to take stock of how to protect it. Obviously, it generally comes down to family and friends, and not material things. Did you know, September is Life Insurance Awareness month? While this may sound like something only insurance companies can get excited about, this year it seems more meaningful.

I remember putting off buying life insurance for the first five years of my marriage, mostly because I really didn’t know much about it, or all the different types. But once I made my career in the insurance industry, I realized how much I had left to chance.

You may have seen Brooke Shields, spokesperson for the annual National Life Insurance Awareness Month, talk about her personal situation in that she had to learn about life insurance and how it fits into an overall financial plan on her own.

She’s not alone. The 2019 Life Insurance Barometer Study indicates there’s an apparent gap in knowledge between men and women, with only 13 percent of female respondents saying they’re knowledgeable about life insurance, compared with 26 percent of male respondents.

Another survey, conducted by the Life Insurance Marketing and Research Association (LIMRA), found that 80 percent of consumers misjudge the price of term life insurance—overestimating the cost anywhere from 119 percent (Gen Xers) to 213 percent (Millennials).

Additionally, many workers think they have adequate group coverage through their employer. I would say this is probably not enough, and it’s not portable—you can’t take it with you when you change jobs or become unemployed.

AAA Colorado offers whole (permanent) and term life insurance, and there’s even a return of premium option, where you’ll receive 100 percent of your premium back at the end of term period if you never use the coverage.

We’re here to help you decide how best to take care of those who depend on you. In the end, it’s really all about them.

For more information, or to discuss you life insurance needs with one of our agents, visit or call 844-307-0200.

Pro Tip

Talk with a professional

When it comes to life insurance, there are many aspects to consider, so it pays to talk to someone who is specifically licensed in Life and Health Insurance.


Brian McGrail is the vice president of insurance for AAA Colorado.